Thursday, June 3, 2010

Assignment 4 part 2, sketches.

Alrighty, world, here are some of the sketches of concepts I came up with for design solutions for a problem that faces Seoul: unpredictable weather, especially in Monsoon Season. In Oregon, we prepare for biking in the rain by gearing up in rain pants and a good jacket, or perhaps we just have some fenders and carry around a plastic grocery bag to put over our seat while our bike is parked out in the open air (which it inevitably will be, as the undercover spots go quick!)

First up is my first little drawings, while I was trying to define a problem to base my concepts around.
This one is a little out there. And I lost my better sketch of it. But this early one got the idea across... which is simply that this seat utilizes exposure to air and water to grow the "living padding," probably some sort of resilient moss, so that the more you ride and have the bike out in the open, the more padded and comfy the seat gets. But I'd probably have to design some top cover to put over the wet moss as you are sitting on it, but could be easily retracted when not in use.
This one diverges from the concept of re-designing the seat, and looks at perhaps making the fender have more than one function. By having two layers that fan out with some sort of impermeable fabric attached between them, you could bend the stretched-out fender fan to go up and over your seat, protecting it from rain.
There are a lot of concepts in this final sketch, but it's rather chaotic. I swear I understood what was going on here, though!

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